Archive for enamel on steel – Page 2

Large Scale Experimental Enameling- a workshop with John Killmaster

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Explore new innovative methods working in drawing, painting and shaping water and oil enamels fired on steel with John Killmaster, one of the most respected enamel masters working with large scale steel. Explore silkscreening, sand-enameling, granular spray, crayon, watercolor and mixed media on large-scale steel panels. We will be hammering steel and spot welding it into sculptural shapes. Other experimental possibilities: modular wall and free standing outdoor sculpture.

No prior enameling skills required.

This 4-day workshop will inaugurate the Center for Enamel Art’s new large scale workspace within KVO Industries in Santa Rosa, CA. It is also the 2nd in our Masters series of workshops .

John Killmaster ( MFA ’69, Cranbook Academy of Art) is an artist working in several mediums: painting, clay, and porcelain enameling. He lives in Boise, ID.  He was Professor of Art at Boise State University (1970-97). His work has been exhibited worldwide and is in many private collections. His work has been recognized with  the Lifetime Achievement Award from The Enamelist Society, the Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts from the State of Idaho and as a grantee for the Western States Arts Federation.
​Killmaster’s personal goal has been to gain recognition of the art form of enameling to be considered a “fine art”, along with glass, ceramics, painting, sculpture, printmaking  drawing and photography, and architecture.

This 4-day workshop will inaugurate the Center for Enamel Art’s new large scale workspace within KVO Industries in Santa Rosa, CA. It is also the 2nd in our Masters series of workshops .

Workshop Hours:

Friday-Monday, 10 AM to 5 PM at KVO Industries in the Center for Enamel Art dedicated space.
Optional facilitated evening work hours will be available for an additional fee.

Cost: $495 plus $40 materials fee, additional optional fee of $65 for three 2 1/2 hr. work sessions July 6-8.

Materials List: Provided upon registration or when ready

Registration: Limited to 10

Refund Policy: No refunds unless your workshop position can be filled by another person.

Lodging, Meals, Transportation:

Coming from out of town? Check AirBnB, Priceline, and other discounted online lodging sources, The Center will try help you make your stay comfortable and stress free while you are a workshop participant.

An Evening with John Killmaster- Thurs. July 5th

6 PM – 4 Maxwell Ct., Santa Rosa, CA
Free and open to the public – Light refreshments will be provided

The Center for Enamel Art invites you to attend an informative evening with John Killmaster who will be inaugurating our new Annex inside KVO Industries in Santa Rosa with his workshop July 6-9.

John has a lifetime of knowledge and experience to share. In this presentation he will be showing slides of the types of techniques he will be teaching in his workshop plus images of his work as he has developed as an educator, master enamel artist and painter.

Expanding Our Space, Expanding Our Reach. You Can Help!

As we announced just before New Year’s, we have been offered a wonderful opportunity: our own space for large-scale enameling in a new facility that KVO Industries has acquired in Santa Rosa, CA. This space, which we are calling the Annex, is the first dedicated artist-use large-scale enameling space in the U.S., and will be an incredible resource for the Center. We hope you will be a part of this new exciting new phase, and will help contribute to our efforts if you are able!

Enameled steel sign at KVO Industries. Together, we can make it happen!

Our plans for the Annex are ambitious. The space will provide a place to create large-scale enameled steel art, including public and private commissions. Artisans will be able to design and produce enameled steel products. The Annex will also be a place to explore new applications and techniques for enameling steel. We will be able to offer groundbreaking classes, host visiting artists and eventually, provide ongoing residency programs. Although KVO’s large (8′ x 5′) hanging belt furnace is particularly suited for two-dimensional work, the Center is encouraging all who are interested in working three-dimensionally in enameled steel to come to the factory to work.

We are delighted that the Annex will be inaugurated with a workshop from master enamelist, John Killmaster, from July 6th to July 9th. Killmaster, at age 83, has experienced a resurgence in his career. A younger audience, which has recently embraced the use of liquid enamels, is now flocking to his work and his teaching.

We will offer regularly scheduled, facilitated weekend workdays at the Annex. In addition, our plans include workshops, factory tours and workdays for schools, and three- to five-day residencies for those working on projects or commissions. To find out more about the 2018 KVO program schedule, please contact the Center.

We believe that a space like this, created in a close partnership with an artist-friendly industrial facility like KVO, is essential to the future of enameling. It will allow us to share the possibilities of industrial enameling with more artists, and to bring new techniques, and more and larger work, into public view.
As we work to bring our plans to life, we will share our progress with you here on our blog and on Facebook. Along the way, we will ask for your help as we develop our large-scale enameling program and related educational programming. Even though KVO has been extremely generous is making this space possible, there is a cost.  Our monthly lease payment is small for what it includes, but our programming cannot pay for all of the expenses associated with the space.
Please consider a contribution towards these goals.
  • $50 can purchase tools and equipment.
  • $100 can fund scholarships for classes and workshops.
  • $250 can fund promotion for outreach to all artists
  • $500 or more can create a residency program for artists wanting to work inside an enamel factory.
  • If you would contribute to the space by naming it, please contact the Center for more information about naming rights.

CLICK HERE TO DONATE NOW. It’s simple and easy, and makes a huge difference to our work!

As a member of the enameling community, you know how rare and valuable an opportunity this is. We are grateful for your involvement and support. Together, we can create an exciting future for enameling!

Enameling Recycled Steel for Jewelry and Objects – a workshop with Melissa Cameron

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Are you the magpie always collecting bits of rusty steel on the street? Are there bits of magnetic metal in your studio that you’ve tucked away, swearing that one day you’ll clean them up to make a masterpiece? Bring your rusty recycled bits and bobs to The Crucible in Oakland to learn the skills to turn these into beautiful and unique jewels.

This class will involve diagnosing scrap metals to find their suitability for enameling, proper enamel-on-steel surface preparation, liquid and sifted enamel application, trivet modifications (with titanium wire), and firing tips for steel. It will also include design tips for getting the most out of the enamel parts and to assist each participant in making their found pieces into wearable jewels and beautiful objects.

Attempts to Kill -vitreous enamel, recycled steel tortilla pan, titanium, stainless steel

There is great narrative potential with steel and enamel, owing to steel’s strength and durability over the other enamel metals. It can be used over much larger expanses, while remaining unexpectedly light. Steel is a chameleon, able to be used in luscious, precious looking works and the complete opposite, textured and dramatic displays, all able to be supplemented by the natural decay of steel. These inherent characteristics add richness to the colors and effects of enamel, and make it the ideal contemporary jewelry and object material.


Melissa Cameron was born in Perth, Australian in 1978. (BA interior architecture, Curtin University, Perth, 2002, MFA and metalsmithing, Monash University, Melbourne, 2009) She relocated to Seattle in 2012.

Melissa’s works have been exhibited worldwide and are in several prestigious collections. She has participated in enamel residencies in the UK and Germany and the Penland Winter Residency in the US and her pieces are featured in Jewel Book, Art Jewelry Today 3 and Lark Books’ 500 Silver Jewelry Designs, as well as the upcoming Tales from the Toolbox: Narrative Jewellery, edited by Mark Fenn. She is the recipient of multiple grants from the Australia Council for the Arts and a Fellowship grant from Artist Trust in Seattle. She has presented papers at many conferences and symposia. Her writing appears on Art Jewelry Forum. She currently serves on the Metalsmith Magazine Editorial Advisory Committee.

Melissa regularly teaches workshops  in Seattle, and was one of two featured enamelists teaching and presenting at the Enamel Guild Northeast Conference in 2015.

She recently won a best of show award for her pieces in the 2017 Alchemy 4 exhibition sponsored by the Enamelist Society.

Workshop Hours:

Wednesday – Friday, 10 AM to 5 PM , with meal breaks

Cost: $425 plus $20 materials fee

Materials List: Provided upon registration or when ready

Registration: Limited to 12

Refund Policy: No refunds unless your workshop position can be filled by another person.

Lodging, Meals, Transportation:

Coming from out of town? Check AirBnB, Priceline, and other discounted online lodging sources, The Center will try help you make your stay comfortable and stress free while you are a workshop participant.

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Enameling On Steel: Kat Cole’s Marvelous Workshop

Radical: thorough-going or extreme, especially as regards to change from accepted or traditional forms (from

The Center for Enamel Art has thoroughly embraced this definition with their Radical Enameling workshops! One of the most recent, “Liquid Form Enamel and Enameling on Steel,” taught by instructor Kat Cole at the Richmond Art Center, took the art form in fascinating new directions.



Kat Cole applying liquid enamel_1

Kat Cole applies liquid enamel to a sample in her Radical Enameling workshop with the Center for Enamel Art.

During the three-day workshop we learned Read More →