Make an Impact. Volunteer your time and skills. The Center has no paid staff at the present time. In order to carry out our plans we rely on you! If you do not live in the SF/Bay Area we can still use your help. If you don’t enamel, but think the Center is a cool project to be involved with, we welcome you.
1. Grant writing, fundraising. If you are great at development, fundraising, or just plain PR, we need you.
2. If you are a graphic designer, we need your design expertise to help us be visible and exciting.
3. If database management is your thing, do we have data fields for you!
4. If you are active as a social media user, promotional wunderkind, blog editor, etc. you will be part of the Center’s talented outreach committee.
5. If you are a collector and want to get together a group of enamel collectors to support the Center, let’s talk.
6. For all you locals who want to help; we need folks to inventory donated items, help with events and programs, etc.
7. And most of all, if you have organizational and networking skills and have worked with or in a non-profit we need you. We are always seeking board and committee members who can navigate the world of non-profits.
We look forward to hearing from you and we’ll be in touch. Please tell us in detail what skills you would like to share with us. Thank you!